ANATEL Compliance Certificate

What is the Compliance Certificate?

In order to use and market telecommunications products in Brazil, a Compliance Certificate issued by a Designated Certification Body (OCD) is required, indicating that they comply with Brazilian standards. In 2004, CTCP was designated by ANATEL to conduct the certification process for telecommunications products, being qualified to certify whether a particular telecommunications product complies with the requirements issued or adopted by the Agency.


The main beneficiary of the conformity certificate and subsequent ANATEL homologation for telecommunications products is the consumer, who will have a product that meets quality, compatibility, and safety requirements, avoiding exposure to risky conditions. Another beneficiary is certainly the company, which will have the guarantee that the brand, manufacturer, and representative will be protected by law.


The Regulation on Certification and Homologation, approved by Resolution No. 715/2019, establishes that the issuance of the homologation document is a mandatory prerequisite for the commercialization and use of telecommunications products in Brazil.

Key Steps to Obtain ANATEL Certification

During the initial contact, the client presents the product’s characteristics, providing technical information, promotional materials, and aligning details with the OCD.

This initial understanding is crucial, as the product’s technical specifications, application, and operation must be thoroughly understood, with all questions clarified between both parties. This enables the OCD to prepare a detailed testing plan in accordance with ANATEL regulations and request quotes from accredited laboratories to conduct the necessary tests.

Once the quote is approved by the applicant, formal proposals are issued to begin the process.

The hiring of the OCD is initiated upon acceptance of the proposal, which can be formalized by one of the following entities:

  • Product manufacturer;
  • Supplier (individual or legal entity) representing the product in Brazil;
  • Companies authorized (national or international) by the manufacturer to manage and negotiate the Certification processes with the OCD.

The laboratory’s commercial proposal must include the requirements outlined in the Testing Plan prepared by the OCD.

The selection and hiring of the laboratory responsible for conducting the tests are made by the client, following the priority order established in ANATEL Resolution 242 (Appendices V and VI), as follows:

  1. Third-Party Laboratories located in Brazil, accredited by CGCRE (General Accreditation Coordination of Inmetro).
  2. Third-Party Laboratories, evaluated by the OCD.
  3. Laboratories that are not third-party, evaluated by the OCD.
  4. Testing laboratories located abroad, accredited by an official body in the country, and a member of ILAC.

The product samples to be tested must be clearly labeled with the model name, manufacturer, and country of origin. For certain product types, the manufacturing batch number should also be included.

When applicable, the samples must be configured for testing and accompanied by the necessary software, accessories, and adapters for conducting the tests.

Depending on the product type, technology used, and what is agreed upon between the parties, the tests may be monitored in person by the client or an OCD specialist.

After the testing is completed, the laboratory’s test report is sent to the OCD, and the samples are returned to the client.

Once the laboratory test reports, manuals, photographs, and all technical documentation of the product are received, the OCD, through its specialists, evaluates whether the product complies with ANATEL‘s standards and regulations.

If the results are deemed compliant, the OCD proceeds with the process by issuing the Technical Compliance Certificate.

If any non-compliance is identified, it is reported to the client/manufacturer, who must correct the product and adjust their production line. After the necessary corrections are made, the OCD will determine which tests need to be repeated.

The Technical Compliance Certificate is issued by the OCD after confirming that the product meets the applicable technical requirements.

The validity period of the certificate is determined by the product category and the issue date.

The Technical Compliance Certificate issued by the OCD must include the following information:

  • Certificate number, issue date, certification date, and validity period;
  • Registration details of the applicant;
  • Registration details of the manufacturer;
  • Registration details of the manufacturing facilities;
  • Product type;
  • Product model;
  • Basic technical characteristics, as per the laboratory test results;
  • Additional product information: category, serial number, software version;
  • Applicable regulations;
  • List of laboratories and reports submitted;
  • Observations;
  • Additional information.

The certificate’s validity depends on the product category, based on the certification date.

The product approval and recognition of the Technical Compliance Certificate is an exclusive act of ANATEL, based on the recommendation of the OCD and the documentation submitted to the process, which includes:

  • Technical Compliance Certificate issued by the OCD;
  • Product user manual (written in Portuguese for products intended for the general public);
  • Laboratory test reports;
  • Compliance Assessment Report;
  • Registration details of the product supplier in Brazil;
  • Articles of incorporation;
  • Representation letter (when applicable);
  • Warranty period information;
  • Artwork of the ANATEL Seal positioned on the product.

In addition to verifying this documentation, the OCD is responsible for:

  • Registering the applicant/manufacturer in the ANATEL system;
  • Registering application data;
  • Attaching relevant documents to the process;
  • Creating and uploading the ANATEL Seal artwork in the system;
  • Generating the ANATEL fee payment slip.

The ANATEL Seal must be legible and affixed to the product in a location that is easily visible.

The ANATEL Seal must display the ANATEL logo and the homologation number.

The homologation number consists of 12 digits grouped into 3 blocks, as follows:



  • The “H” block identifies the unique serial number of the product in the ANATEL approval registry;
  • The “AA” block represents the year of homologation issuance;
  • The “F” block identifies the product manufacturer.

Once the process is approved, ANATEL issues the Homologation Certificate. The product can only be marketed and operated in Brazil after receiving this homologation.

Periodic maintenance of the Technical Compliance Certificates for products in categories I, II, and III must occur within the validity period to prevent any interruption in the certification and the subsequent halt in the product’s commercialization.

The validity periods for products by category are as follows:

  • Category I products – 12 months;
  • Category II products – 24 months;
  • Category III products – Indefinite period (60 months – regulation under approval).

Documentation required for ANATEL Certification and Homologation

Below is the complete list of documentation required for each ANATEL Certification and Homologation process.

The Mosaico System is a platform developed by ANATEL for publishing the homologations of telecommunications products issued by the Agency, among other functionalities.

The Mosaico System is a platform developed by ANATEL for publishing the homologations of telecommunications products issued by the Agency, among other functionalities.

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